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Palette Carys Color Gel / Crystal Collection II 水晶糖透光凝膠系列 🎨 T11-T19

NT$ 420.00 TWD

— Crystal Collection II /水晶糖透光凝膠系列— 4g * 9 colors (5g瓶子/內容量4g) / T11~T19

<色膠顏料添增色素及增強添加Smooth Technology技術 >

T11 Whiskey 咖啡琥珀
T12 Brunt Whiskey 紅棕琥珀
T13 Rose Kiss 玫瑰奶茶
T14 Classic Coffee 奶油杏黃
T15 Royal Plum 復古薄霧紫
T16 Caribbean 加勒比藍
T17 Mountain Mint 薄荷酪梨
T18 Nightfall 夜幕灰
T19 Bordeaux Wine 波爾多紅酒


<Made in Japan/全日製>

🤎—T11~T19 This collection inspired by holiday lifestyle in paradise island. Lets beautify nail world!! 💅🏻 The gels are suitable for blending, painting and single full color all of the colors are inspired from my recent works ! the perfect color for your customer!!! In our second generation, the latest technology is being used in our gel for your smoother painting experience.

🤎水晶透光系列T11~T19 / 浪漫南法渡假氛圍的柔和色調 🚤⛲️🌴🌝適合多層次暈染及石紋琥珀造型 單色更不用說拉 薄上一層的晶透效果就很美 我們每次研發新色除了私心喜歡 另外都是按照美甲沙龍上經常使用色推出 且每一系列都能互相.搭配運用!

半透光/半透明凝膠系列 可以呈現像玻璃般的晶透光澤感 可單擦可暈染可漸層/層次堆疊造型,適合日系半透暈染造型,薄擦厚擦皆可 ( 建議一般可上色二至三層)